A playful, interactive
way to learn about data

Design Project I Interactive Data Exploration
Collaboration: Theresialyceum (Tilburg) I Target group: High school children
Group work I Size: 5 students
1/3 of time of 16 weeks, Fall 2017 I Eindhoven University of Technology
Current situation:
These days children don’t learn anything about data in school. This is a problem, because nowadays society increasingly relies on data, technology and digital information. To understand such information and to gain
useful insights from data, it is crucial to be able to filter, analyze and draw conclusions from data.
Developing a small curriculum of several lessons to teach children about data in a playful, interactive way
3 main ideas and findings:




Mi Band

making own

collect data
with game

Tested the Mi Band ourselves, but it was hard to abstract data and there were quite some errors

For introducing the topic of ‘data’, it’s too difficult. Further quite risky, if sensors don’t work, you have no data.

Most interactive and playful way to
let children make their own data.

Detailing idea 3:

> Combination of PE classes and theory classes
PE classes: Play game to collect data
Theory classes: Analyze data and make strategies

> Game inspiration: Living quartet
(Teams have to steal objects from other teams
to get a quartet of the same type of object)


Thinks to take into account when making a lesson proposal and what should be included

Categorizing insights from 6 interviews with high
school children
to get an idea of their knowledge
and level of education

Feedback on lesson proposal from PE teacher and Information Science teacher at Theresialyceum
(high school) and making final adjustments

Preparations for user test at high school:

Testing and adapting our data registration code, to register which object are coming in on which mat, with a paper prototype

User test with 12 students gave us new insights about the game, some rules were adjusted and a last update in the code was made.

In total 24 objects (6 different type of objects all in 4 different colors) were made to play different variations of the game during the PE classes

User test at Theresialyceum (high school):

Lesson 1: PE class

Lesson 2: Theory class

Lesson 3: PE class

Lesson 4: Theory class

Children collecting data by playing different iterations of the game ‘living quartet’ while we registered the incoming objects with the data registration interface at each of the four mats.

Children analyzing own data with stencils we provided with questions, statements, tables and graphs. Further making strategies for their team how to win in the next PE class.

Children applying the strategies during the different iterations of 'living quartet' and try to find out what the other groups have for strategy.

Children analyzing data to see if strategy can be recognized in the data and to couple other groups with strategies based on the information from the data.


Soldering wires to the NFC readers and writing a code that collects data of which NFC tag is read by which NFC reader.

All four mats contain a NFC reader and all four objects contain a NFC tag with a different ID.

If an object (with NFC tag) is read by a mat (with NFC reader) this information is automatically translated into graphs to show the movement of objects between mats.

InDEx - a set of education material to teach children about data - consists of:

> objects for PE classes
> covers for gym mats with capability to register objects
> manual for teacher of theory classes
> instruction cards for PE teacher

> remote to start and stop the data registration in PE classes

> website for teacher of theory classes to get data that is gathered in PE classes

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